Open Level
Contemporary Partnering
A complete guide for how to grow your skills in contemporary partnering.
Instructor: MN Dance, Company
Artistic Directors
About this class
Join contemporary masters Michal and Nastja as they break down challenging techniques into practical exercises, focusing on strength, coordination, and flow in contemporary partnering.
Learn to connect with your partner, build trust, and master 10 contemporary dance lifts.
Apply these skills to a specially created choreography for this class.
Instructor: MN Dance Comapny
Class Length: 17 Lessons, 1h 55min
Category: Open Level, Contemporary
Bonus: Workbook included

included in this class
1. Trust Building Exercises
2. Mirroring Exercise
3. Partnered Warm-Up Flow
5. Transitions: Make a Hand Connection
5. Strength Building Exercises
6. Transitions: Synchronize Your Movements
7. Transitions: Explore Your Space
8. Beginner Level Lifts
9. Intermediate Level Lifts
10. Advanced Level Lifts
11. Pro-Level Lift
12. Contemporary Partnering Choreography - Part 1
13. Contemporary Partnering Choreography - Part 2
14. Contemporary Partnering Choreography - Part 3
15. Contemporary Partnering Choreography - Part 4
16. Contemporary Partnering Choreography - Part 5
17. Contemporary Partnering Dance Film

MN Dance Company
Artistic Directors: Michal Rynia and Nastja Bremec Rynia
MN Dance Company, led by Artistic Directors Michal Rynia and Nastja Bremec Rynia, has been creating dance for over 15 years.
Michal, a five-time Hip Hop World Champion, transitioned to contemporary dance through his training.
Nastja's ballet and modern background led her to contemporary dance.
Together, they push the boundaries of contemporary dance through performances and workshops worldwide.
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